The FatHead Project Copyright 2004, Autumn Umanetz //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Whatinole is all this? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FatHead is an album-based full-screen remote controller for XMMS. It is intended to turn a laptop into a stereo component which you can comfortably use from across the room with an IR remote control. Because the laptop may not actually be your music server, it is broken into a small and fast GUI client, and a server portion which runs on the same computer as xmms. This may or may not be the same machine. This is alpha software. It does not change your music repository in any way, so it is very low risk. However, it is severely limited. Your music database must be entirely contained within one directory, and formatted as one album per subdirectory, which must be named in the format Artist-Album. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Building //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Geez, I dunno. This really shouldn't be rocket science. You'll need a few development libraries and the QT3 dev tools to compile. Specfically, at least on debian, you'll need the following packages: qt3-dev-tools libxmms-dev libqt3-dev liblircclient-dev Steps to compile: 1. Server cd brain ln -s ../common/* . qmake make 2. Client cd face ln -s ../common/* . qmake make //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup and Configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Unfortunately, because this is still alpha software, you need to build your config files by hand. There are decent examples of all of the config files (with the '.' prefix removed) in ./examples/ Any commandline option (like --debug 5) can be placed in a config file, in the format "debug = 5". Alternately, it can be specified in the environment, in the format BRAIN_DEBUG=5, or for face, as FACE_DEBUG=5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration: Brain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your first step is to get the server up and running. This isn't too hard. 1. ~/.brain - The only thing you really need to specify here is "music = ". Point it to the directory which contains all of your albums, one per sub-directory. - N.B., the output of brain --dump is suitable for pasting into .brain 2. ~/.braincats - This file describes the legal genres and music categories. The format is described at the top of examples/braincats - This file isn't mandatory, but if you don't have it, you won't be able to filter by genre and category. No big deal, really. 3. ~/.braincds - This file contains a coded description of each album. A description of the format is at the top of examples/braincds - Again, not mandatory unless you want to filter by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration: Face -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, you'll probably want the client portion, "face," to run. This is substantially simpler than getting the server going. Again, it's just a couple of config files. 1. ~/.face - If the server is running on a different host, specify it with brainhost - If you want fullscreen mode, specify fs 2. .face.lircconf - if you want to use your remote control, you'll need to have lirc up and running. This is not necessarily a trivial exercise, but it's beyond the scope of my pitiful little readme. - You'll need to set up mappings between your remote control buttons (as named in your /etc/lirc/lircd.conf), and face's commandname, which aren't presently documented anywhere except examples/.face.lircconf //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FAQ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Nobody has yet asked me a single question about setting up and using this application. I suspect this is a testament to its unpopularity rather than its ease-of-use. However, I have invented a couple to document things that don't seem to fit elsewhere in the documentation. Q. I use xscreensaver, but it doesn't wake up when I use the remote control. A. It doesn't pay attention to the serial ports, probably for some good reason. You can rebuild it using examples/xscreensaver_timers.c, and it will watch for interrupts on lirc_serial.